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WTF did you just say?


"Well, it made you who you are today."

What the ever loving fuck did you just say to me?

It made me who I am?? Are you kidding me right now?

Who the hell thinks that this phrase is appropriate to say to someone that has been through trauma? It made me who I am? Like, is that supposed to be a good thing?

I am, almost 100% confident, that I speak for all of us when I say "Go fuck yourself".

Do you honestly believe that I am, in some weird way, thankful that I have had to endure a life of abuse? That I sit on the couch and think "Thank goodness I was molested, raped, and almost beaten to death so I could be this amazing human being today".

Bitch, PLEASE?! Are you under the mistaken impression that I would not be a strong person without having been abused? Do you think that people that have been abused would have turned out to be terrible people if they hadn't been abused? Do you think that only abused people can be good, strong people... cause NO!

You know what made me who I am today? ME! I am who I am DESPITE being abused. I am who I am because I CHOOSE to be who I am.

Maybe I should just call up my father, my uncle, and my ex-husband an THANK them for all the abuse. I mean, I owe who I am to what they did to me, right? I should send them all a fucking thank you card. I should definitely give them credit for all of my accomplishments. After all, the only reason I have accomplished anything is because of what they did to me.

AGIAN... WTF did you just say to me?!?!

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